Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Treatment Effects," Customer Service and Black Socks

What are "treatment effects?" Well, without going into too much detail so as not to gross you out completely, and ultimately drive you away from my blog forever, "treatment effects" are what happen to you when you are on Alli and eat too much fat. Lets just say, if you eat too many calories and/or fat, you are going to keep the Imodium people in business. I have found out the hard way that when the Alli people say to limit fat to 19g per meal, they MEAN IT! I had a good supper tonight - cod and milk. I wasn't all that hungry...or so I thought. After Larry took the kids to the performance they had scheduled, I decided I needed a snack. I had some cookie dough in the fridge, and so I made a couple. I ate them with a glass of milk and within about 20 minutes, the "treatment effects" began. Holy sh..! You know what I mean. Oh well, lesson learned. I weigh in again tomorrow am. Last week I was up an lb, but that is my own fault. Hopefully the cookies all just ran right through me. :-)

Caffeine is not my friend...Caffeine is not my friend...Caffeine is not my friend....
I need to keep saying that to myself over and over and over. I have been ingesting entirely too much of it of late, and it is starting to take its toll. I'm to the point now where I have to have it in the morning - my 20 oz. Diet Coke...again in the afternoon, and another in the evening. I never used to drink straight Diet Coke. I used to drink the caffeine free stuff. I need to cut it out and start drinking just plain WATER! What is wrong with that? NOTHING! Tomorrow I will begin that step in the journey. I will be sure and take a bottle of Tylenol to work with me to stave off the caffeine headache that is sure to plague me for the next few days while I detox from it. OUCH!

I have told you what I do for a living, right? I am a QA Analyst for an auto finance company. I absolutely love my job. Not many people can say that, and when I do, some think I'm being sarcastic. Not at all. I truly enjoy what I do. Except right now. Yesterday, we were told by our boss that the Customer Service department needed our help to field phone calls for the next couple of weeks. He was aware that we would in no way, meet our goal for evaluations if we did, but was willing to sacrifice it. That is us - the sacrificial lambs of the auto finance industry. While I understand the need for it, and I am more than willing and happy to help out, I can't help but feel a little sad. Its almost like we are valued for what we do in our department until we are needed somewhere else, and then we are expendable. Well, I will keep my chin up. I will try hard to serve every customer with a smile in my voice and a clear willingness to help them. I will hang on for a couple of weeks and then appreciate my job that much more when its over.
When I was in Customer Service at the beginning of my career there, the kids loved it when I would come home and tell them stories. Mac would ask me, "Mommy, did you have any 'bad customers' today?" I would laugh and tell them about the ones I would have to explain things to a dozen times, or the ones who would ask questions and then interrupt me when I was trying to answer them. They always thought it was funny. Today when I got home, Mac knew that I had been helping out in Customer Service and she asked me for the first time in a long time, "Mom, did you have any 'bad customers' today?" I smiled, and told her a story. None of our customers are "bad" Mac. They just need my help. That is why I'm there. Sometimes they require a little more attention for one reason or another, but that doesn't make them "bad."

How can I help YOU today?

Mac is spending the night with Amanda tonight. They will swim tomorrow. School starts in a mere 4 weeks. I can't believe it! Soon our house will be filled to the ceiling with school supplies for the kids and for me. It will look like a portable Office Max. Hey-I can't pass up those 10 for $1 notebooks and 10 cent glue! It's like the 1950's all over again! Larry assures me that things were even less expensive than that - and he would know! ;-)

Speaking of Larry - he is back to work half time. He can't have inmate contact yet, so it doesn't make sense for him to be there all day doing nothing. So, he comes home and does nothing. Not really - I came home today to a completely clean house. He can be so thoughtful was very smart to make slaves out of the kids while he was here. He is going to physical therapy for his knee. Yes, his knee. Because of the numbness in his leg caused by the back injury and resulting surgery, he is limping on that one side. This has caused the muscle to deteriorate a bit and its not as strong as the right one. So, therapy it is - this will strengthen his knee and help him get over the nerve damage. Sheesh! If it isn't one thing, its another.

"Are you sitting down?" Larry called me at work this afternoon and those were the first words out of his mouth. Of course I was sitting down...I answered my desk phone! Hello! He told me that he actually bought a couple pairs of SHORTS today! Now, for most men, this is not a great feat. Many men have several pairs to choose from at home that they wear in the summer months. Not my husband. He hasn't owned a pair of shorts since 1968 he tells me! 1968! I was very happy for him for taking this step toward being a more fulfilled individual. Anyway, when I got home, there he was in all his glory - Black T-shirt, red/white checked short sleeved button down, blue denim shorts and....BLACK SOCKS W/BROWN SHOES. No freaking way was I letting him go out in public like that!! No sooner did I get the words out of my mouth, but he told me he went to the mall like that!! I was mortified! I explained the fashion faux pas to him in the gentlest terms I could..."Honey, you look like a geek!" I explained further that short white socks and tennies are the way to go. I realized then that he doesn't own any. OH MY GOD! He needs serious professional fashion help. Thank the Lord for Tyler and MacKenzie. Soon, Larry will be the coolest step-dad in the world.

Need some garters to hold them socks up, Sweetheart?

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day

Happy July 4th to everyone!! Today is a very special day in that it should remind us of the sacrifices many have made so that we can be the great and free country that we are. We need to get on our knees and thank GOD that we have the opportunity to live in such a country. One where we can believe in GOD, where we can work where we want, live where we want, love who we want and be what we want. We are so fortunate, and many take these freedoms for granted. So, if you see a soldier, thank them for all that they do to keep us free. Keep our servicemen and women in your prayers and on your minds. Every day.

Tonight I visited with old friends and made a few new ones. I watched Tyler and MacKenzie perform at the Freedom Festival with their summer show choir group. Then, as the sun disappeared the fireworks began. I watched each blast and heard each booming rocket like I do every year - with awe. Tyler hung out across the way and watched with his friends - its ok - he's getting too cool to hang with his mom. Mac sat at my feet on the blanket I brought. She lie on her back, staring up at the spectacle and never stopped smiling. The music played along with the display - all the patriotic tunes we know and love. And as always, I was moved. Moved because we celebrate our freedom so openly. Moved because I get to be here just one more year with my children. Yet sad, because Larry couldn't be with us this time. Back surgery last week kept him home in the air-conditioning. Poor baby - NOT! Well, it still wasn't the same without him. I sent him a text message while I sat there, "I miss u," it read. He sent one back, "I miss u more." Well, I doubt that, but it was sweet nonetheless.

We just celebrated our 5th anniversary. I mentioned that to someone tonight and they said that they couldn't believe that it had only been 5 years. They thought that we had been together much longer. Now, I'm not sure if that was meant as a compliment (ie: "You look so comfortable together!") or as a shock (ie: "You look like you have been together forever - meaning you already banter like a couple that has been together for years!"). Either way, its only been 5 years. I think that it surprises people because we are very comfortable together. I would hope so, after all, I have known Larry for more than 20 years. Someday, I'll put the story to paper. Not yet though. I'm not ready to come out and tell the world all our stories.

I saw a good friend of mine tonight at the Freedom Festival. It is someone that I haven't seen for a long time, but when we do see each other its like we just pick up where we last left off, and like no time has passed. I love her dearly. She has a son who just turned 18 and graduated from high school, and a daughter who will be a sophomore this year. She is struggling with the son - he is exercising his 18 year old wings, and trying to be "a man" by being mean to his mother. I hope he comes around. She loves him so much and just doesn't want him to get hurt. As for the daughter - what a sweetheart. I remember when she was younger - maybe 11 or so. She could be such a little pain in the ... well, you know. But she is growing into a beautiful young woman. I hope that uses that beauty for good and not evil, and I hope that she stays as loving and kind as she is right now. My daughter really looks up to her.

One of the kids' friends, Amanda, is spending the next couple of days with us while her mom is out of town. Amanda is like a big sister to Mac and, well, the jury is still out on her relationship with Tyler. She refers to him as her "brother," but I can't help but think she was a little jealous that he was spending time with my friend's daughter (the 15 year old I mentioned in the last paragraph). She kept asking why she was all up in his face, whispering to him, etc. I asked her if she was jealous...she said no, that she was just making sure that Tyler was ok. She wanted to protect him. Hmmmmm. Interesting. Amanda's mom and I are best friends. I can't imagine my life without her in it. She is my rock. She is my leaning post. She is the one I go to when I can't go to anyone else....the one I tell all my secrets to. I absolutely do not know what I would do without her. I hope she knows that. Amanda said that she is happy that her mom and I are friends because that means she gets to spend more time with Tyler and MacKenzie. Amanda is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. If Tyler has friends like her throughout his life, he is going to have a hard time choosing a wife.

So, here I am. 2 strawberry smoothies later, at the keyboard, detailing my evening and writing mushy things about my friends. I'm taking stock in my freedom. I'm being thankful. I'm saying my prayers and thanking GOD once again for allowing me to live in a free country.

Count your blessings everyday. Kiss your children. Tell the ones that mean the most to you that you love them. Don't take anything or anyone for granted.

Happy Independence Day.