Tuesday, June 24, 2008
For You
Whenever You Come Around --Vince Gill
The face of an angel; pretty eyes that shine
I lie awake at night wishing you were mine
I'm standing here holding the biggest heartache in town
Whenever you come around
I get weak in the knees; and I lose my breath
Oh I try to speak but the words won't come
I'm so scared to death
And when you smile the world turns upside down
Whenever you come around
I feel so helpless; I feel just like a kid
What is it about you that makes me keep my feelings hid
I wish I could tell you, but the words can't be found
Whenever you come around
I get weak in the knees; and I lose my breath
Oh I try to speak but the words won't come
I'm so scared to death
And when you smile the world turns upside down
Whenever you come around
And when you smile that smile
The whole world turns upside down
Whenever you come around
Whenever you come around
If you aren't familiar with this song, I suggest you find it and listen to it. You'll understand then.
Good night.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
2008 Flood
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Flood of 2008

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Genesis 9:11 NIV

11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."
This was God's promise to Noah when He rescued Noah and his family from the ark after the great flood had washed away all other inhabitants of the Earth. While we are not existing now in Biblical times, we have experienced a disaster of Biblical proportions.
A flood has come upon our state, and most severely, our town. Several of my friends and some of my family have lost everything they own; possessions and homes. It is difficult to express the sadness one feels at such a loss, and it is difficult to believe that this tragedy has actually happened. Personally, our family has not experienced a loss of such magnitude. Aside from saturated carpet in the basement that had to be removed, and constant seepage from damaged foundation, we are safe and sound. Today was the first day that I was able to see our downtown area and see the devastation for myself. The flood waters have receded some from their 32ft level (flood stage is 20 ft.) and along the bridges that link one side of town to the other, there is debris everywhere. Garbage, waste, and all manner of filth fouling the water of our Cedar river. The cleanup will begin in a few days. In the meantime, we can only shower every other day, and no laundry or dishes can be washed except for those days designated for such activities. It is truly horrible.
So, I hear many asking the same question over and over; "Why us?" "Is God angry with us for some reason?" Well, all I can say to the first question is, "I don't know." and to the second, "Although He has reason to be, I don't think so. I believe that God sends disaster to remind us that He is in control. That although we think we are a superior intelligence, He is the one who calls all the shots. He reminds us that we can come to Him for anything, and these events remind us to pray." Perhaps that makes God seem like an evil one. No, I don't think so. I believe that God uses all things for our good. Even the things that we believe will be our end; sickness, bad luck, and weather disasters like this. He is always there for us, if we just go to Him.
It would do us all good to remember that.
Thank you Lord for protecting my family through this time of difficulty. Please be with those who have lost their homes and help them to find comfort in the knowledge that You are their Savior - raised from the dead so that they may live forever in Your Kingdom where there is no devastation, no cold, and no loneliness.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The Weight Loss War
Recently, the company I work for brought in Weight Watchers @ Work. Personally, I have been through the Weight Watchers program about 1-2-3---four times now. One thing I know for sure is that IT WORKS, if I work IT. Having once a week meetings at work is great on so many levels that I don't have time to list them all, but primarily because with so many of us struggling for the same outcome, there is no lack of support. In our last meeting, I stated matter-of-factly, that I loved having our meetings at work because I work with these people! I see them every day, and they see me! They will KNOW if I eat McDonald's for lunch (unless I sit in the parking lot...) or not! I'm not as young as I was the first time I tried Weight Watchers and by the slow movement of the scale, it shows. But that is ok. When I began 7 weeks ago, I tipped the scales at (are you sitting down? of course..you are at your computer) 244.8 lbs!!! That is way more than any woman all of 5'2" should ever weigh! In fact, I should way half of that!!! So....
At weigh in Week 7, I am a svelte 238.8! I am down 6 whole lbs in 7 weeks. While that is a respectable amount of weight to lose over that period of time, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't disappointed. But, I will carry on. I will count my points (all 28 of them), if I bite it, I'll write it, and I will not skip weigh ins if I feel I had a bad week. I must stand and take it like the warrior woman that I am!
In addition to weighing in, attending meetings, fighting back tears of shame, and celebrating every .1 lb I lose, I will continue to publicize my progress here on the World Wide Web in the hopes that it will inspire others to get with the program (whatever that might be for you), get off your butt, and lose that baby weight that didn't come off after your last child (who is now 12-oh wait...that's me!).
My next goal is 233.8 lbs. Stick around and see how long it takes...well, you might want to take a walk - I think it's going to be awhile. :-)