Friday, October 26, 2007

One Chapter Closes...Another Opens

I had an average kind of day yesterday; I got up, I worked, I came home. Of course there were things in between, but nothing out of the ordinary. Then, I got the mail.

There was an envelope there from the school I go to - college that is. It was a plain, brown envelope, with a clasp - again, nothing out of the ordinary, but I couldn't figure it out. I opened it and inside was a folder. Not just an average folder though. It was black, shiny, and on the front had the name of my school in gold lettering. I opened it, and inside it read:
On the recommendation of the Faculty and under the authority of the Iowa Department of Education, and the College Board of Trustees, Kirkwood Community College hereby confers the two year degree
Associate of Arts
Cara J. Gilds
Who has satisfactorily fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the college for this degree.
Given at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, this month of May 2007.
Whoa! I was totally not expecting this right now! Interestingly enough, the date on this is May of this year, so that tells me that I was qualified to graduate this past Spring! I am ecstatic! I am the first of my siblings to get a college education. I am planning to take what I have learned and transfer to Mt Mercy College here in town so that I can get my Bachelors degree in Business. I will graduate by the spring of 2009. I am on my way and it is a really good feeling!

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