Today, I felt like I was moving in slow motion. I got quite a bit done at work, although it didn't feel that way. What was this slow motion-like feeling? Was I sad? A little. Was I depressed? Not really (and yes, there is a difference). I know what it was; I was lonely. I was needing my friend-my best friend.
Her name is Ami. She and I share the same interests, the same values, and even similar diseases. Isn't that funny? Who would have thought friendship could be found based on a medical condition? People tell me it happens all the time. Well, it is a first for me. Anyway, Ami and I both have a blood clotting disorder. I'm always harping on her to make sure she gets her blood work done and takes her medicine like she is supposed to, and she is always harping on me to take my own advice and believe her when she tells me that "everything is going to be ok." I love her because she understands me, and because she doesn't let me get away with anything. I don't know what I would do without her. She is one of the brightest bright spots in my life. We all have those people; the ones that can make us smile just by being in the same general vicinity. I'm fortunate to have several.
Take for instance, Karen. Karen is Amanda's mom. You remember her, right? Amanda is the one that Tyler is best friends with, that is in show choir with Ty and Mac, and goes to school with them? Well, Karen is my"life raft." She has always been there when I needed to cry...or laugh. She is there when I just want to hang out with someone, watch movies, or eat ice cream. I can completely be myself around her. I think sometimes, that she could have easily been my sister. She assures me that I'm not crazy, even when I'm feeling like I'm out of my mind. I love her because she gets what its about. She knows what it means to make sacrifices for the sake of the children, but she also knows that we moms need our time too.
Then there is Bob. We work together - well, not together, but in the same building. He is in a different department, on a different floor. Our communication is generally via email, or in a committee meeting, but he is easy to read and for that I'm grateful. Bob gives me permission to feel like I'm OK. He gives it to me straight, and whether I like it or not, "it" is the truth. Like today: I emailed him to see how he was feeling (he had broken his ribs a couple weekends ago doing stuff a man his age shouldn't be doing), and I thought I would bring him up to date on what was going on with me. He sent back the following message: "Keep me posted............ I know you didnt ask, but my recommendation is start walking EVERY day, take vitamin C, cut way back on sodium and saturated fats, drink TONS of water and get plenty of sleep. Doc Bob out ;-) " I love unsolicited advice. ;-) His emails make me smile, and I feel fortunate to have him as a friend...another bright spot.
With these three individuals at my side, I can't lose. I will never have to laugh alone, I will never have to cry alone, and I will never have to fight alone. They are my best friends, and although I don't tell them very often, I love them.
My Brightest Bright Spots.
11 years ago
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