Stop working so diligently to make your feelings match your circumstances. Realize instead that you can select and direct your feelings to create much more favorable circumstances of your own choosing.
There's no law that says you must harbor feelings of disappointment, dismay, anger and futility when events don't go your way. You can just as easily feel amused, enlightened and more positively inspired than ever before.
You could use your feelings to prolong a difficult situation. Or you can choose other feelings that will enable you to transcend your greatest difficulties and move forward.
How do you feel positive when the world around you is so negative? Just ask yourself whether you would rather be imprisoned by your feelings or empowered by them.
From moment to moment, you are constantly choosing which feelings to hold on to and which ones to discard. Be ever mindful of this power that is yours, for by improving the way you feel you can improve anything in your life to whatever degree you decide.
Your feelings are powerful forces, and by taking control of them you can move your life in any direction. Feel whatever you choose, and you are choosing to make it so.
Hmmm. Do you suppose that is true? Do you suppose that there is something to be said for the power of positive thinking? I think so. I know that I feel better when I'm in a good mood - who doesn't? But what about those times when you just CAN'T be in a good mood? What about days when your shoelace breaks 1 minute before you are ready to walk out the door and you are already 5 minutes late? What about the F you get on a homework assignment when you busted your butt for a week to finish it to Mr. Whats-his-face-who-cares' standards? And then there are the really bad days - the days when it would take an act of GOD to bring you back to the land of the living, the land of normalcy, the land of regular people? Do I sound like a cynic? Maybe. Do I sound like a "negative-Nancy?" Possibly. I think I sound like a realist. One cannot be upbeat and positive all the time. I do not believe that humans being what they are (imperfect) can be happy-happy in the face of true suffering. So, when I'm in the crappiest of crappy moods I say to those who say "smile and the world will smile" with me, or to "put on a happy face", or breathe "in with the good and out with the bad," LEAVE ME ALONE! Don't tell me to smile, be happy, or breathe. It might just be that I WANT to feel the anger welling inside me, that I WANT to know that I'm alive, passionate, and a deep-feeling individual. Or - it might just mean that I simply don't like you because you are so damn cheerful.
Actually, I am a pretty happy person. I have my moments like most others. I laugh, cry, scream, and stomp my feet; and all that in the last few minutes!
Maybe I need to check my dosage...
11 years ago
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