11 years ago
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Lightning CAN Strike the Same Place Twice
Who says that lightning can't strike the same place twice? It most certainly can; literally and figuratively. For my friends who take the saying literally; if you hear thunder, there's lightning and you are too close! Go inside! Hanging around on your front or back porch to "watch the storm come in" is really stupid and could get you killed - or at least maimed.
For my buddies who understand that I am talking about the figurative use of the phrase, boy, does lightning continue to strike or what? Last night after I was finished writing in my blog, Tyler came downstairs. Now, granted, it was late and we were both tired, but he looked a little more tired than usual. He informed me that he had pain in his chest, felt numb all over and was having a hard time catching his breath. Please understand that normally, this would not alarm me. Tyler is an active 14 year old who could have easily overexerted himself in his performance, but I have a blood clotting disorder, and the symptoms he was describing mirrored those that I experience when a clot moves within my lungs on the way to make its home in my brain. I calmly got up, told him to get dressed, that I was taking him to the ER. The doctor ordered a D-Dimer blood screen to rule out abnormal clotting in Tyler's blood. It came back negative - thank goodness. In the end, Tyler was diagnosed as having had an anxiety attack...very common in kids (and adults) who are being treated for ADHD. Tyler will have an appointment with his ADHD doc in about 2 weeks so we will address it with her then. In the meantime, I will need to keep him calm, not let him hyperventilate (the cause of the numbness) and see to it that he gets enough fluids and sleep. Good luck to me.
No email today.
Today's Mood Elevator --
Stop working so diligently to make your feelings match your circumstances. Realize instead that you can select and direct your feelings to create much more favorable circumstances of your own choosing.
There's no law that says you must harbor feelings of disappointment, dismay, anger and futility when events don't go your way. You can just as easily feel amused, enlightened and more positively inspired than ever before.
You could use your feelings to prolong a difficult situation. Or you can choose other feelings that will enable you to transcend your greatest difficulties and move forward.
How do you feel positive when the world around you is so negative? Just ask yourself whether you would rather be imprisoned by your feelings or empowered by them.
From moment to moment, you are constantly choosing which feelings to hold on to and which ones to discard. Be ever mindful of this power that is yours, for by improving the way you feel you can improve anything in your life to whatever degree you decide.
Your feelings are powerful forces, and by taking control of them you can move your life in any direction. Feel whatever you choose, and you are choosing to make it so.
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