What's Next....That is a very good question. I wish I a had a very good answer. I am all alone for awhile tonight. Larry and Tyler are off to a choir practice thing, Mac is at a friend's house, and here I am...at the computer...my mind going in a thousand different directions. The pizza I ate for dinner earlier is not agreeing with me. I have a million ideas for a book I want to write. I should start the dryer running so the damp clothing in there doesn't get rank. Tomorrow is Friday. I am addicted to this "Twitter" thing. Wait! Enough of the thinking out loud!! That is only going to get me into more trouble.
Do you believe that there are no real "accidents?" That when someone says something, when they just blurt it out, that is truly what they meant to say? Freud thought so; although I don't put much stock in Freud - he is dead after all.
I think that sometimes when we say something that we know we shouldn't it is because it was in the forefront of our minds. It is something that needed to be said to jar the receiver into action. It might even be a defense mechanism of sorts. Who knows? I'm no professional. I'm no "stalker" either. :-) I am merely someone who enjoys intelligent conversation with people of similar interests.
There - a good explanation at last.
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