Sunday, November 2, 2008

There Is So Much That Is Good...

We are at a turning point; a new president will be elected next week, Fall is upon us (or should be by now); and our generation is watching our children grow up right before our eyes. It is so easy to get mired down in the negativity, the sniping, and the gossip. All the "he said...she said," and the lies and deceit. Where have all the good things gone? We can remember back to a simpler time. A time when the biggest decision we had to make was what kind of cereal to have for breakfast, and then what cartoon to watch while we ate it in front of the TV. Now, it is decisions about whether or not to go back to school, to start a new career, or be a stay-at-home mom. Our minds are constantly spinning. We worry - a lot. We worry about what our children do when they are away from us. We think about the choices they will make that will shape them into the adults they will become and the contributions they will make to our society.

We see the news and read the newspaper, opening ourselves up to all the violence and misery going on in the world. Every now and then, there is a "human interest story," something that can make us smile or help us to appreciate where we are - but it is always buried at the bottom of the 3rd or 4th page and we might not see it. I must try and find the positive in the everyday things. The happy among the sad; the powerful among the weak; the love among the hate. It has to be there...somewhere.
So, we begin at home...with our families. Toss out regret and anger...both are a waste of time. Precious time that none of us seem to have enough of. Spend our time looking at the good in each other. Spend more time away from the TV and the video games. Play together. Laugh together. Remember what family is really all about. Whether it is a mom, dad and children, or a husband and wife, or children and grandparents; no matter what, do not forget what makes your family a family...Love. I know that there are times when we are exasperated by our children, or our spouse, but those times must be the exception, rather than the rule. For every negative, there must be TWO positives.
Be slow to take offense if indeed you ever take offense at all. For being offended gains you nothing and can cost you much. Have patience with the mistakes and follies of others. Instead of harsh criticism, offer genuinely helpful feedback so that everyone benefits. Forgive early and forgive often. Set yourself free from the heavy burden of resentment, and move quickly beyond the pain. Learn from your regrets, yet do not punish yourself with them. Today is a new day with more possibilities than ever before. Be truly thankful for all that is, and for your opportunity to experience it. You'll discover great stores of goodness and value when you simply have faith that they're there. Live beyond the petty, fleeting concerns, and focus on the profound and beautiful substance of your life. There is so very much good that you can always do with it.
Most of all, thank God for this day, for your ability to read these words, for the love that surely surrounds you. Thank God for the gift of rest - I know it seems as though we do not get enough of it when we think we need it, but we must "work while it is day." Thank God for the gift of friendship.




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