The past is safe and certain, and yet it is gone. The future is filled with endless uncertainty, and yet it is also filled with limitless possibilities.
Something will happen today that you didn't expect. It might be uncomfortable, it might be inconvenient, and it might even disrupt your life in a big way.
And yet, how terribly bland and unbearably tedious life would be if nothing unexpected ever happened. Though uncertainty is a bit frightening, it also brings much richness to life.
You are designed and equipped not only to deal with life's uncertainties, but to in fact transcend them. Out of a little uncertainty you can create a lot of positive value.
If you attempt to hide from uncertainty, you'll also be hiding from the best things life has to offer. Instead, accept and embrace uncertainty, and know that you can make the best of whatever comes along. Today does not come with a guarantee. And because of that, you have the opportunity to make of it whatever you choose.
Something will happen today that you didn't expect. It might be uncomfortable, it might be inconvenient, and it might even disrupt your life in a big way.
And yet, how terribly bland and unbearably tedious life would be if nothing unexpected ever happened. Though uncertainty is a bit frightening, it also brings much richness to life.
You are designed and equipped not only to deal with life's uncertainties, but to in fact transcend them. Out of a little uncertainty you can create a lot of positive value.
If you attempt to hide from uncertainty, you'll also be hiding from the best things life has to offer. Instead, accept and embrace uncertainty, and know that you can make the best of whatever comes along. Today does not come with a guarantee. And because of that, you have the opportunity to make of it whatever you choose.
-Author Unknown-
We humans live way too much of our lives in the past; what we could have, should have or would have done. The if-onlys; why didn't Is; and the what-ifs linger in our minds constantly. Always, it seems, accompanied by regret. It sure seems like a waste of valuable time and brain cells, doesn't it? So then, why is so much time spent on yesterday? Wouldn't our time be much better served planning for the future, or better yet, living in the PRESENT?! With all of this energy spent on regretting the past, and worrying about the future, we forget to appreciate where we are in our lives! The fact that we have lived another day is another day that we don't deserve. It is another gift and it should be appreciated for the wonder it is. Those who know me will say, "Well, Cara, you should practice what you preach."
I can go along with that. I am probably the worst offender. I know that my life would have turned out completely different if choices I had made early on had been different. However, it does me absolutely no good to dwell on the other choices I could have made. There is no need to consider how l might have been as a person, if past reasoning had been different than it is now. No, I need to focus on here - and now - because that is where I am. Yesterday is over. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is all I have time for. During the day, minutes tick by, and with each one is a moment of uncertainty about what is coming next. I welcome those little surprises that each day brings to me, breaking up the monotony, reminding me that I'm alive, that I have feelings, and that I can still eat, see, hear, and breathe. I welcome the uncertainty of each new day for the new adventure that it will bring to my life. What new thing will I learn? What new person will I meet that will touch my life somehow? What new feeling will grow in my heart for someone or something I love? It is all so exciting that sometimes the anticipation makes it impossible for me to sit still!
I can go along with that. I am probably the worst offender. I know that my life would have turned out completely different if choices I had made early on had been different. However, it does me absolutely no good to dwell on the other choices I could have made. There is no need to consider how l might have been as a person, if past reasoning had been different than it is now. No, I need to focus on here - and now - because that is where I am. Yesterday is over. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is all I have time for. During the day, minutes tick by, and with each one is a moment of uncertainty about what is coming next. I welcome those little surprises that each day brings to me, breaking up the monotony, reminding me that I'm alive, that I have feelings, and that I can still eat, see, hear, and breathe. I welcome the uncertainty of each new day for the new adventure that it will bring to my life. What new thing will I learn? What new person will I meet that will touch my life somehow? What new feeling will grow in my heart for someone or something I love? It is all so exciting that sometimes the anticipation makes it impossible for me to sit still!
If I am having a particularly horrid day, one that I want to get over with as quickly as possible, the day just seems to drag on, never-ending, and stuck. Those are the times that I have forgotten to appreciate the uncertainties around me. I've lost my focus; my drive. Those are the moments when it helps to remember that uncertainty keeps life interesting; keeps it fresh. It could be the worst day of my life. So what? "Today does not come with a guarantee." Amen to that.
I have no idea what is going to happen tomorrow. I do know that once I finish this entry, I will shut off the computer, turn out the lights and go to sleep. I know that I will dream, but of what is uncertain to me. THAT is the adventure, my friends. Grasp uncertainty with both hands, hold on tight, and allow it to take you places you never dreamed off. You will be thrilled you did.