Thoughts can feel like they are private and hidden deep inside of you. Yet they have an influence that extends far beyond you. What if others could know what you were thinking? Would it change the content of your thoughts? In many ways, other people can and do know what you are thinking. Because your thoughts are faithfully expressed by the life you lead. If you're constantly thinking negative, limiting thoughts, people will be able to tell just by looking at you and your life's conditions. In the same way, when you fill your mind with positive, empowering thoughts, that will be wonderfully obvious. You might be able to hide the specific details of your thoughts. Yet you cannot hide the true nature of those thoughts.
"Mind Reading 101" is a course that I have failed three times over the course of my academic career. If someone doesn't communicate to me in words what it is they want to convey, there is no way at all I am going to know! This is something I'm constantly telling my children, my spouse, my friends, even my co-workers. It amazes me how much people just "assume" I know. Sometimes it can be very frustrating. Other times, comical. Of course, depending upon the circumstances. At work, it is most annoying. We are all there to do a job. I do my part, you do yours. When we work together, the work gets done that much more efficiently, and we all succeed in reaching our goals. If one person on the team doesn't want to be "on the team," and assumes that everyone else knows this, it creates chaos. We are all adults. We can all talk it out, whatever it is.
At home, well, that is a whole other ball game. For example; my son assumes because he puts his swim gear on the hallway floor that I know it needs to be rinsed out. He flips out when he finds that it hasn't been done. My husband just assumes that I have planned supper for the evening when I just spent the last 8-10 hours in the office, thinking of anything but. COMMUNICATION, people! Communication is the key! Tell me what you want, need, will, or will not do. Tell me how you feel. Then, there will be no second guessing, no embarrassing moments when the assumption is all wrong.
On a higher level, yes, your thoughts do show in the life you lead. If you think of life as an adventure, a new discovery at every turn, you are bound to demonstrate that side of you to the world. If you barely get by, paralyzed by fear of the unknown, that too is going to show in your actions, and interactions with others.
I choose to live my life to the fullest extent. We are given but a short time here. I believe in making the most of every opportunity. I choose positivity over negativity; passion over apathy; a smile over a frown, and love - always love - over loathing. I will strive to continually guide my thoughts to positive places, and in return I believe that the whole world will follow. Yet, if I'm feeling down, the thoughts that sadness generates, does reflect in my actions. My thoughts show in my face, my speech, and my attitude. Positivity breeds a smile, a sparkle in my eye, excitement in the way that I talk, and an attitude that can be contagious. Negativity does the same.
Only you can make the choice - positive / negative? Let your thoughts be thoughts that you want everyone to see.
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