Days like this should be outlawed. There should actually be some kind of legislation put in place to prevent people from having days where they want to pull out their hair, inflict bodily harm on someone, lock themselves in their bedroom and scream, or all of the above. Why is it that we are allowed to have days like this? Is it some way of reminding us that other days aren't as bad as we think they are? Is it so that we appreciate the days that are just mildly annoying? Perhaps it is just simply that GOD said that while we were on this earth we would need to endure much tribulation. Well - my tribulations have come to a head. Today was the worst and if its true that it can only get better, then I am in for a real treat. And the real kicker --- ITS FRIDAY.
Friday is supposed to be the day we look forward to all week. It is that magical day we all work toward. We get up on Monday morning, tired from our busy weekend, some of us still hungover (not yours truly of course) and really dreading the workday. Tuesday isn't much better than Monday with the exception of it being just one day closer to Friday. Wednesday is "hump" day. Why on Earth do they call it that? By Thursday there is light at the end of the tunnel and the work is getting a little easier. Then on Friday everyone celebrates because they know that after this they don't have to work again for the next two days. They can sleep in, eat out, and have a good time. Well -- not for me it wasn't. Today was the kind of day that belongs on Monday. The kind of day that does in fact, make me appreciate the other days of the week. This was simply put - the worst.
It began benign enough. We are doing great on our workload, not in danger of getting behind, and so its a good time to complete "records management" (a fancy term for "Clean out your email and your hard drive, Stupid!") , clean out my desk, work on committee activities, you know the drill. I spent my day preparing for a meeting I had this afternoon. Most of the time we work without an agenda and I hate that. I want structure. I want focus. The problem is, that everyone on this committee must have ADHD. I think that is what makes us good at it. Anyway, the agenda can help with managing the lack of structure/focus. So, I prepared the agenda. I went to the meeting feeling pretty good about it. I was looking forward to getting down to business and really getting some work done. Most everyone was there albeit a few who had conflicts. Then it happened -- one person grabbed the floor and just took over. Normally in a setting like this, a facilitator is needed, even welcomed. I have no issues with that as a rule. However, in this particular committee, TEAMWORK is the key. Instead we had one person doing all the talking -- telling us what we will do. We had other people talking over that person, and then by the end of it, I had such a raging migraine that I thought my eyeballs were going to pop out of my skull, fly across the room, and hit the know-it-all square in the forehead. Actually, that would have been pretty funny. So, I kept my mouth shut and my pen poised. I took the most complete meeting minutes I had ever taken in my life. When the meeting adjourned, I went back to my desk, wrote up the minutes, and took a breath. But wait-there's more! The longer I sat there, thinking about the meeting, and about my role in it, the madder I got. Dammit! There is NO "I" IN TEAM. Yes, I suppose its rather cliche, but I don't care. It fits the situation. There was no organization. There was no conscience. There was no respect (thank you, Mr. Dangerfield). Oh well, what else can I do about it. Some who read this will say, "Cara, you need to learn to play nice with the other kids," or "Get a grip, enjoy your weekend, and screw them!" I think I'll choose the latter.
One more thing - lets add to my glorious mood. My birthday is tomorrow. I'll be 39 and it is depressing me to no end. My mother would say, "Don't let it get to you." Whatever! I wonder, does she remember when she turned 39? Many would ask me what the deal is with 39. Shouldn't 40 piss me off? No - 40 doesn't scare me. However, looking back over the last 38 years and seeing where I am right now - that is not very fun, nor happy. But why? "Cara, you have a terrific husband, kids, and a good job." Well, yeah...I all of the above. But I'm still not where I would like to be at this time in my life.
Nothing to be done about it now. Chalk up another one and move on.
Next, my ex was supposed to take the kids this weekend. He backed out, so now, the plans we had for tonight are screwed. Its not the kids' fault and I won't blame them of course. But he can be a real idiot.
In fact, let me ask you -- Would you send a birthday card to your ex-spouse? Well, mine did. Happy birthday to me.
I hope your weekend is much better than mine!
11 years ago
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