I believe this to be true with all my heart. No matter what one is doing, thinking or planning, the timing has to be PERFECT or it isn't going to work out. Name one thing that doesn't require timing...I bet you can't (well, maybe you can, but humor me).
Take for instance -- love. Yes, deep subject for a woman who has been married, had 2 kids, divorced, married again, and adopted a cat. The cat aside, lets focus on the relationships. When I married the first time I was 21 - he was 55. Yes, I realize that is a big age difference and I also realize that my timing was off. I was very young, and at times I think, very stupid. It lasted nearly 10 years and 2 great kids were the product. Which brings me to the kids - I was 25 when Tyler was born and 27 with Mac. Great timing! They were both January babies, 2 years apart, and I was in the prime of my maternal life. I was young enough not to be in the retirement home by the time they graduate, and mature enough to get through natural childbirth (that's right -- no drugs!). In the summer of 1999 the marriage fell apart. The reasons are not important, and the timing was inconvenient. I don't know that there is ever a good time for a split like that. It was hard on all of us, but turned out good in the end. Then, there was Larry. Like I wrote in an earlier post, I have known him most of my life. He is and always will be my first love. When we met, the timing was bad. I was too young and he was - well - shall we say unavailable for consultation. But time heals all and patience truly is a virtue. We married in the summer of 2002 and will celebrate our 5th anniversary this June.
What is my point? Well, no one plans to fall in love. It just happens. I fell in love with my children the moment I found out I was pregnant. I fell in love with my car when I got it (yes, I know -- get a grip). I fell in love with the company I work for. All my friends and family know that I love them, as I make sure to tell them often. Where was I? Oh right -- "no one plans to fall in love.." So, how does it work exactly? How does one fall in love and when is the timing right for it? I think where people are concerned, you fall in love when you realize that there is an emotional connection between you. Both parties are investing their time and energy into the relationship. With men and women, it can be that moment when you realize that you cannot imagine a world without that person in it. For best friends, it can be the same thing -- you cannot imagine your world without that person there. As for the timing - when its right it just happens. When it does, sometimes it surprises the hell out of the person on the giving end and can potentially lead to doing stupid things. Sometimes it scares the one on the receiving end. Sometimes its beautiful - and THAT is good timing.
Timing is everything. It is in our very beings. Our lives are timed; in years, months, days, hours, minutes, right down to the second. Can you remember the moment that you fell in love?
I do. It was today.
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