Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm Not Dead...

...Just busy. Its that time of year when my time is not my own, very little of it is spent on the computer (except at work of course) and life just flies by. So, what have I been up to, you ask? Lets see...

Well, first and foremost - God has blessed me with a 5 lb. weight loss this past week. The "alli" is working well, and I'm not having too many side effects. What few I'm having are my fault - eating too much fat and paying for it! I will spare you the gory details. Positive effects overall though.

Tyler and MacKenzie went with their dad on a fishing trip this past week. They left Thursday and just got back this moment. They are obviously tired, and already getting owly. Time to begin the deprogramming!! Maybe by next Wednesday they will be the beautiful, well-behaved children I know and love.

Larry hurt himself working at our church last Sunday. I have one thing to say to him -- "Act your age!!" He was working hard at planting grass seed and doing some landscaping with 2 other members of the church that are half his age. Larry was right in there in the trenches (so to speak) working as hard as they were for as long. He had some back stiffness the next day, but then by Sunday night he was flat on his back. He was off work all last week and bored out of his mind. An MRI of his back shows an extruded disk -- meaning surgery. We see the neurosurgeon on Wednesday morning. Not very fun.

All and all, a busy week. This week it is back to show choir performances and work. Larry will be flat on his back at home again and driving me all nuts with his complaining and his crabbiness. Oh well - I love him anyway.

I wish everyone a happy Sunday (what is left of it) and I will check in again soon.

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