Thursday, June 19, 2008

2008 Flood

I have been receiving pictures of the Cedar Rapids flooding via email just about everyday. As a scrapbook of sorts, my father put this slide show together. Watching this horrible event unfold both sickened, and enthralled me; it is an emotional rollercoaster that has taken me for a ride I would rather not go on again. The photographs show the horror of what the victims had to endure, yet they are some of the most beautiful depictions of our city that I have ever seen. I apologize for not recognizing the photographers that took the time to shoot these, but please know that your work has not gone unappreciated. It has been wonderful to see how the citizens of our wonderful city have pulled together to help one another. I truly believe that once we recover from this tragedy, we will be a stronger, closer, better, Cedar Rapids than ever before.

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