Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Dog? A Philosopher?

Plato said, "A dog has the soul of a philosopher."

I wonder which philosopher's soul my Lexie has? It would have to be one of solid stature, a bright outlook on life, and a very slobbery mouth. At 10 mos. old and nearly 70 pounds, Lexus (or Lexie, or Lexie Jo as she is called by those closest to her) is a massive bundle of energy. Taking her days in stride, she romps, barks, and eats her way from one day to the next, in the hopes that she will gain new experiences - or just food - around the next corner.
Looking back at how Lexie came into my life; as a gift from my husband (see my October 07 entries); and how she has grown from sweet little pup to a crazy, huge, horse of a dog, I cannot imagine my life without her anymore. She is a joy to me. She looks at me with those caramel colored eyes of hers, tongue lolling out of her mouth, tail wagging so fiercely I fear that she will bruise my legs, and she calms me. Walking her is one of my favorite activities. With her by my side, I no longer feel alone when I walk, and although she doesn't speak to me in words, she does in her expressions. Now and then, she will look up at me as we walk along, then bump her head into my knee for lack of paying attention. She makes me laugh when I want to cry, and she is there for me when I can't laugh and need to cry. How strange is it to feel that one is understood by a dog when the whole of humanity doesn't have a clue?
Lexie is approaching her 1st birthday in July. I wonder what kind of cake dogs like?
A philosopher's soul? Maybe not. But she has a soul just the same and it is a beautiful one.

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